Working With Reports

Generating Reports

Users can generate a report from within a folder. The generated PDF outputs are always saved in the folder where the report is generated.

To be able to generate reports, users require the “Folder->View” and “File->Upload” permission flags and need to be able to navigate to a folder and change its contents. In addition, the “Files->View” permission flag is required to view a generated report, and the “Images->View” permission flag is required to view images that may be linked into a report.
To generate a report from an existing template
  1. Navigate to any folder in the Repository (click on the Folder Repository button from the Navigation Menu then navigate to a folder)

  2. Click on the Actions button at the top right of the item list

  3. In the popup menu, click Generate Report

  4. Type a name in the Report Name field

  5. Select a template from the Report Template dropdown menu

  6. (Optional) Enable the Sign report toggle to insert your signature into the report. To create or update a signature, see My Account

  7. (Optional) Click on the Preview button to see how the report will render for this folder

  8. Click on the Generate Report button. The report will be saved as a PDF into the current folder

If you don't have this option, it may not be enabled for your team.

Managing Report Templates

To better understand the features of the templating language, start by reviewing our Jinja2 Quick Reference and Placeholder Reference. For comprehensive information about the templating language, refer to the Jinja2 documentation.

The Report templates add-on and “Manage report templates” permission flag is required to create or edit report templates.
To create a report template
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Click on the New Report Template button

  4. Type a name for the template into the field at the top of the page

  5. Click on the Template tab

  6. Make the desired changes to the template. See Jinja2 Quick Reference and Placeholder Reference for details

  7. (Optional) Click on the Styles, Static Data, or Snapshots tabs and make desired adjustments. See Auxiliary Information for details

  8. (Optional) Preview the template:

    1. Click on the Select Folder button and select a folder for testing
    2. (Optional) Enable the Signed toggle to insert your signature into the report
    3. Click on the Generate Preview button
  9. Click on the Save button

To edit a report template
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Select a report template from the table

  4. Click on the Edit button above the table

  5. (Optional) Edit the name of the template in the field at the top of the page

  6. Click on the Template tab

  7. (Optional) Make the desired changes to the template. See Jinja2 Quick Reference and Placeholder Reference for details

  8. (Optional) Click on the Styles, Static Data, or Snapshots tabs and make desired adjustments. See Auxiliary Information for details

  9. (Optional) Preview the template:

    1. Click on the Select Folder button and select a folder for testing
    2. (Optional) Enable the Signed toggle to insert your signature into the report
    3. Click on the Generate Preview button
  10. Click on the Save button

To preview a report template
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Select a report template from the table

  4. Click on the Edit button above the table

  5. Click on the Select Folder button and select a folder for testing

  6. (Optional) Enable the Signed toggle to insert your signature into the report

  7. Click on the Generate Preview button

To enable or disable a report template
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Set the Active toggle next to the report template's name

To delete a report template
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Select a report template from the table

  4. Click on the Delete button above the table

  5. Click on the Yes button to confirm

Report Template Files

Report template files are static files that are referenced in your report templates (e.g., a logo image). These files can be referenced by name or ID in your template. See Placeholder Reference - Global Functions for details.

To upload a report template file
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Click on the Upload button in the Report Template Files section of the page

  4. Click in the blue box to activate the file selection dialog or simply drag files into the blue box; repeat as required for other files

  5. Click on the Start Upload button to start upload

  6. Click on the X button to minimize the File Uploads dialog

  7. To check upload status, click on the Details button from the upload progress notification at the top of the screen

To rename a report template file
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Select an item from the table in the Report Template Files section of the page

  4. Click on the Rename button above the table

  5. In the popup dialog, type a new name for the file

  6. Click on the Rename button or press the Enter key to save. To discard your changes, click on the Cancel button or press the Escape key

To delete a report template file
  1. Click on the Settings Settings button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on the Report Templates tab

  3. Select an item from the table in the Report Template Files section of the page

  4. Click on the Delete button above the table

  5. Click on the Yes button to confirm