Search Operations

Search can be used to perform bulk operations on the items in the Repository. All Repository operations can be performed with search results. See Repository Operations for more details.

Context Menu

Most operations can be performed via a context menu. This menu is accessed by right-clicking on an item in the search results listing (or one of the currently selected items when using Multi-Select). The same menu can be accessed by clicking the Down Arrow button next to the item's name in the right-hand panel. You may need to click on the Expand button if the panel is collapsed.

On a mobile device, tap and hold on an item to display the context menu. Alternatively, you may tap on an item to select it and then tap on the 1 Selected dropdown menu at the top of the item list, next to the search box.

Depending on your Role some operations may not be available.

Move opens the Move Item dialog, allowing you to move the item (or items) to any accessible folder.

  1. Bring up the context menu for the item (or items)

  2. Click Move

  3. In the popup dialog, select the destination folder from the available list

  4. Click on the Move to Folder button


Copy opens the Copy Item dialog, allowing you to make a copy of the item (or items) in another folder.

When copying entries in the Repository, the underlying files are not duplicated (i.e., copies are linked to the same underlying file) and thus do not consume additional storage. However, the metadata associated with the copied entries, such as annotations and snapshots, are duplicated when an entry in the Repository is copied (i.e., duplicated entries will retain an independent copy of the original metadata).
  1. Bring up the context menu for the item (or items)

  2. Click Copy

  3. In the popup dialog, select the destination folder from the available list

  4. Click on the Copy to Folder button

The new file or folder will be named "Copy of item name".
Copy URL (single item only)

Copy URL copies the URL of the item to the clipboard.

View Image(s) (images only)

View Images opens the select item (or items) in the Viewer.

Only images can be opened in the Viewer.
Retry Type Detection (attachments only)

Retry Type Detection attempts to force the system to detect this attachment as an image again. This can be useful if an image uploaded completely, but for whatever reason is not being recognized by PathcoreScholar as an image. If this still does not work you may need to contact Pathcore Support.

This operation only applies to attachments.
Rename (single item only)

Rename allows you to change the name of the item. While all entries in the Repository have names, names do not have to be unique because each entry has a unique ID, see Names and IDs.

It’s not possible to rename multiple items at the same time.
  1. Bring up the context menu for the item

  2. Click Rename

  3. In the popup dialog, type a new name for the item

  4. Click on the Rename button or press the Enter key to save. To discard your changes, click on the Cancel button or press the Escape key

Share (single item only)

Share opens the Share Links dialog, which allows you to add and manage share links for the item.

See Managing Share Links for more details.

It’s not possible to share multiple items at a time. However it is possible to share a folder of items.
  1. Bring up the context menu for the item

  2. Click Share

  3. The popup dialog allows you to add and manage share links

Mark as Read / Mark as Unread

An item can be marked as "read" (name in plain text) or "unread" (name in bold) depending on whether or not you have previously viewed it.

See Read Status for more details.

  1. Bring up the context menu for the item (or items)

  2. Click Mark as Read to enable the read status, or

  3. Click Mark as Unread to clear the read status

Favorite / Unfavorite

Favorite tags the item (or items) as Starred. Items tagged this way are quickly and easily accessible from the Starred Items List. Unfavorite removes this tag.

See Favorite Status for more details.

  1. Bring up the context menu for the item (or items)

  2. Click Favorite to add the Starred tag, or

  3. Click Unfavorite to remove the tag


Download opens the Download dialog, allowing you to save items and metadata locally.

See Downloading for more details.

  1. Bring up the context menu for the item (or items)

  2. Click Download

  3. In the popup dialog, select what you would like to download (files and/or metadata)

  4. Click on the Download button


Delete allows you to remove the item and all of its contents (in the case of a folder) from the Repository.

Deleted items cannot be recovered. Be careful with this action.
  1. Bring up the context menu for the item (or items)

  2. Click Delete

  3. Click on the Yes button to confirm if you are sure you wish to remove the item. To cancel the delete action, click on the Cancel button or press the Escape key

Additional restrictions apply if you attempt to delete an image which is linked into a class.


Search results can be exported as a file in CSV format. See Exporting Results for more details.


Search results can be bulk tagged. This allows you to quickly apply a tag or set of tags to all items that match the search query.

To apply tags to all search results
  1. Click on the Search Search button from the Navigation Menu

  2. Perform a search query. See Basic Queries for more details

  3. Click on the More button at the top right of the search results

  4. In the popup menu, click on Tag All Results

  5. In the popup dialog, choose a tag from the Add a tag.. dropdown menu. To create a new tag, type directly into the field and click on the + New tag option

  6. Click on the Tag Results button