When you click on an image in a folder, PathcoreScholar will open the Viewer. The Viewer is optimized for viewing whole slide images and supports a range of image formats from many current and former scanner vendors. The Viewer provides a consistent set of tools and behaviors across all supported images. Generally speaking, the Viewer supports the following data types:
- RGB (e.g., brightfield images)
- Single channel grayscale
- Multi-channel grayscale (e.g., multispectral, fluorescence, etc.)
Some image files may contain multiple fields of view spanning a larger scan area (like a collage). These image files are more complex than traditional WSI because a file contains multiple images (a.k.a., sub-images), each of which may have different scanning properties.
While the Viewer treats each file as a single image, it allows the user to configure some of the properties of sub-images independently (e.g., focal plane and render settings).
If an image file contains sub-images that are separated by empty space (i.e., areas that are not scanned), the background color is automatically chosen, often to match the approach in the image vendor's native viewer.
The Viewer seamlessly handles overlapping sub-images and allows the highest available magnification to be used across all sub-images.