Rich Text Editor
Pages are rich-text documents that are editable. Pages may contain formatted text, images, hyperlinks, whole slide images, and various types of questions. Pages that are designated as “graded” will be included in the automated scoring calculations.
The following formatting options are available in the editor:
- Text styles (H1, H2, H3, quotes)
- Font styles (bold, underline, and italics)
- Quoted text
- Enumerated lists
- Bullet lists
Hyperlinks can be useful to link to another page or module in PathcoreScholar, link to content from the Repository or to link to external resources.
To create a hyperlink
Navigate to a page
Highlight some text to be hyperlinked
Click on the
button in the rich text editor toolbar
Type or paste the URL into the field that appears and press the Enter key
To delete a hyperlink
Navigate to a page
Highlight the hyperlinked text
Click on the
button to remove the hyperlink or press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the text entirely