Page Management

A module may have one or more pages which contain the learning material. The order of pages in the module can be customized by the Educator in order to guide trainees through the content. Students will see module pages in the order set by the Educator.

List of Pages

The pages of a module are listed on the Pages tab of a module page and visible to trainees in the order displayed.

To see the pages in a module
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

To edit a page name
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

  7. Select one or more pages from the pages list by holding the Ctrl key (on Windows) or Command key (on macOS) key and clicking on them

  8. Right-click on the page (or pages) to bring up the context menu

  9. Click Edit

  10. In the popup dialog, type a new name in the Page Name field

  11. Click on the Update button to save your changes, or click on the Cancel button to cancel

To adjust the order of pages
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

  7. Click and hold on the Drag handle to the left of the page name, then drag it up or down to the desired position

To customize the columns in the page list
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

  7. Click on the Display Settings button at the top right of the page list

  8. To add a column, click on the Add Circle button next to a field in the Available Columns section

  9. To remove a column, click on the Remove Circle button next to a field in the Visible Columns section

  10. (Optional) To reorder the position of a visible column, click and drag the column's name up or down

  11. Click on the Save button

Create a New Page

Pages are rich-text documents that may contain didactic information as well as interactive components. Pages may contain formatted text, images, hyperlinks, whole slide images, and various question types. Pages that are designated as “graded” will be included in the automated scoring calculations.

To add a page to a module
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

  7. Click on the Add Page button

  8. In the popup dialog, provide a name in the Page Name field

  9. Click on the Submit button

To edit the contents of a page
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

  7. Enter into a page by clicking on its name

  8. Edit the content in the rich text editor. See Editing Pages for more details

  9. Click on the Save button to save your changes

  10. (Optional) Click on the Preview Page button to see how the content will render for Students

Duplicate an Existing Page

Duplication provides an easy mechanism to duplicate previously generated pages in a new module or class. A duplicated page retains all the contents of the original but none of the student responses that may have been provided in the original. All questions in the duplicate copy must be answered by students, irrespective of responses that may have been provided in the original page.

To duplicate a page
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

  7. Select one or more pages from the pages list by holding the Ctrl key (on Windows) or Command key (on macOS) key and clicking on them

  8. Right-click on the page (or pages) to bring up the context menu

  9. Click Copy

  10. (Optional) In the popup dialog, type a name for the new page(s)

  11. (Optional) Select the class and module to copy the module to:

    1. Click on the Edit button next to Location
    2. Select or simply type the name of the class from the Class dropdown (by default, the current class is selected)
    3. Select or simply type the name of the module from the Module dropdown (by default, the current module is selected)
  12. Click on the Copy button

Delete a Page

Exercise extreme caution when deleting pages. All content related to a deleted page is immediately purged from the system, including reports and results that may have been available.

It’s not possible to recover deleted pages.
To delete a page
  1. Click on the Home Home button from the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select the Classes tab

  3. Click on a class name from the classes list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a class... bar, and/or enable the Show past classes toggle to see past classes)

  4. Select the Modules tab

  5. Click on a module name from the modules list (optional: filter by name using the Search for a module... bar)

  6. Select the Pages tab

  7. Select one or more pages from the pages list by holding the Ctrl key (on Windows) or Command key (on macOS) key and clicking on them

  8. Right-click on the page (or pages) to bring up the context menu

  9. Click Delete

  10. In the popup dialog, review the names or total number of pages to be deleted

  11. Type "DELETE" in the text box to confirm deletion

  12. Click on the Delete button