Main Window

If the user has not logged in, instead of the main window they are presented with the Log In Screen.

The main window of the Upload Client shows the current status of active uploads, recent activity, and provides access to both the PathcoreFlow web application and the local folder it is monitoring for new files.

When the main user interface window is closed, the background service continues to upload files and monitor the scan folder for new images.

Action Bar

At the top of the main window is the Action Bar, which includes buttons for many common activities.

  • Logged in as Name: Clicking on the current user's name opens the PathcoreFlow account page in your default web browser
  • Pause Pause / Resume Resume:
    • Pause: Stops active uploads and scanning for new files until the user resumes
    • Resume: Resumes any paused transfers and restarts the scheduled scan of new files
  • Launch PathcoreFlow Launch PathcoreFlow: Opens PathcoreFlow in your default web browser
  • Open Folder Open Folder: Opens the folder which the client is monitoring for new files in Windows Explorer
  • Open Settings Open Settings: Displays the Settings window
  • Open Custom Fields Open Custom Fields: Displays the Custom Fields window
  • Log Out Log Out: Log out of the current user account
To pause/resume all uploads
  • Click on the Pause Pause button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to pause all activity, or

  • Click on the Resume Resume button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to resume transfers

Recent Activity

This section displays a list of active and previous file transfers. This list is cleared whenever the Upload Client user interface is closed, however the Upload History retains the full list for future reference.

The Recent Activity list includes the following columns:

  • Name: the filename of the detected image or file
  • Size: the total size on disk of the item
  • Status: one of the following:
    • A progress bar: This indicates an active transfer. Hover over the progress bar for a tooltip which includes additional details
    • "Uploaded": the file has been transferred to the target Repository
    • "Skipped": the Upload Client did not transfer the item. Hover over the text to display a tooltip with the reason for this (e.g., "Previously uploaded" for items which already exist in the Repository)
To upload a file
  1. Click on the Open Folder Open Folder button from the Action Bar at the top of the main window to open the monitored folder in Windows Explorer

  2. Copy a file into this folder, and the Upload Client will automatically begin the transfer

The upload will not start instantly. The background service polls the scan folder according to the Scan Schedule defined by the user in the Settings.
To see the current transfer rate of an active upload
  1. Locate the item in the Recent Activity list

  2. Hover over the progress bar of the item with the cursor. A tooltip will appear which includes the amount of data uploaded, the total size of the item, and the current transfer rate

If the progress bar for an upload is red

This indicates that a problem has occurred:

  • Hover over the progress bar of the item with the cursor. A tooltip will appear which provides additional information
  • Consult the Status Bar at the bottom of the window for any relevant error messages
To see the full local path of a file
  1. Locate the item in the Recent Activity list

  2. Hover over the name of the item with the cursor. A tooltip will appear which shows the full path of the file on the local computer

To open a transferred file in PathcoreFlow
  1. Locate the item in the Recent Activity list

  2. Click on the item name to open it in PathcoreFlow in your default web browser

If the item has been deleted from PathcoreFlow, clicking on its name in this list will do nothing.

If the user account used to connect the Upload Client to PathcoreFlow does not have the required permissions to view the item, clicking on it will also do nothing.
A "Delete after upload enabled" label appears below this section and to the left if a Delete After Upload policy has been defined by the user in the Settings.

Status Bar

At the bottom of the main window of the user interface is the Status Bar. This displays a message reflecting the state of the Upload Client to the user.

Some examples of messages:

  • "xxx file(s) remaining.": The number of remaining files to upload
  • "Uploads paused.": Transfers have been paused by the user. They can be resumed by clicking on the Resume button in the Action Bar
  • "Unable to connect to the server. Please try again later.": A network problem is preventing the Upload Client from reaching PathcoreFlow. Transfer will resume automatically when the network problem is resolved