Settings (Advanced)

The options in this section are only recommended for advanced users.

Custom Cron Expressions

The Upload Client supports great flexibility in its scan schedule via custom cron expressions. A cron expression is 6 fields representing a time schedule of the form:

<seconds> <minutes> <hours> <days of month> <months> <days of week>

Allowed Values

The following values are allowed in the corresponding cron fields:

FieldAllowed ValueSpecial Characters
seconds0-59* , -
minutes0-59* , -
hours0-23* , -
days of month1-31* , - ? L W
months1-12* , -
days of week0-6* , - ? L #

Cron Special Characters

Special CharacterMeaningDescription
*all valuesselects all values within a field
?no specific valuespecify one field and leave the other unspecified
-rangespecify ranges
,commaspecify additional values
/slashspecify increments
Llastlast day of the month or last day of the week
Wweekdaythe weekday nearest to the given day
#nthspecify the Nth day of the month

Cron Expression Examples

  • At 22:00 on every day-of-week from Monday through Friday:

    0 0 22 * * 1-5
  • At the 12th minute past every 4th hour:

    0 12 */4 * * *
  • Every 10 minutes overnight between 5:00 p.m. and 7:50 a.m.:

    0 */10 17-23,0-7 * * *

Additional information about cron can be found on Wikipedia, or by consulting the croncpp library.

Regular Expressions

A regular expression is a notation that specifies a search pattern. The RegEx filter condition provided by the Upload Client is based on Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). A comprehensive guide to regular expressions is beyond the scope of this manual, however some resources are linked below for reference:

A regular expression filter matches against the path (i.e., folders and filename) relative to the Scan Directory, not just the filename.

Regular Expression Examples

  • Match files with either "slide" or "WSI" in the file name:

  • A more complex match based on a specific file name format:

    202[123][01]\d\d\d- Slide \d\d\d-\d\d-[ABC]S1.*\.svs
    • This would match the following file names:
      • 20220724 Slide 123-45-BS1 - Sample taken from lab 42.svs
      • 20211113 Slide 987-65-AS1 - wsi_test_scan.svs
      • 20211113 Slide 345-67-CS1.svs
    • But not these:
      • 20192602 Slide 56-4738-29.svs (invalid date and wrong number sequence)
      • 20220724 Slide 123-45-BS1.mrxs (wrong file extension)