
There are several configurable settings to customize the behavior of the Upload Client.

To access the Settings window
  1. Open the main user interface

  2. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the window

Directory Scanning

Scan Directory

The scan directory is the location on the local computer or network to monitor for new files. Files placed in this folder are automatically uploaded to PathcoreFlow.

Enter the path to the folder in the field, or use the Folder button to open the Select a Directory dialog window and browse to the desired folder.

Scan Depth

The scan depth determines how many subfolders deep to scan for new files.

  • If set to -1 (the default), the Upload Client will scan all subfolders recursively
  • If set to 0, the Upload Client will only scan the specified folder. It will not scan subfolders
  • If set to a positive value, the Upload Client will scan that number of levels deep into subfolders

Setting the scan depth to 0 or a positive value can be useful for preventing the Upload Client from unnecessarily scanning into a nested archive folder structure, for example.

Scan Schedule

The scan schedule determines how often the background service checks the specified folder for new files to upload.

The default scan schedule is "every 10 minutes".

To set the scan schedule
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Click on the Edit button next to the current Scan Schedule value

  3. In the Set Search Schedule popup dialog:

    1. Select how often you want to scan: Minutes, Daily, Weekly, or Custom (Advanced)
    2. Adjust the value according to the base schedule you have selected:
      • Minutes: How many minutes between each scan
      • Daily: The time of each day to perform a scan
      • Weekly: The number of weeks between each scan
      • Custom (Advanced): A custom cron expression
    3. Click on the Apply button to save your changes, or click on the Cancel button to cancel
  4. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

The next five (5) scheduled scan times, based on the current configuration, are displayed at the bottom of the dialog under Next Scheduled Scans

Stable Threshold

The stable threshold is the amount of time a file must remain unchanged before the Upload Client considers it ready to begin processing. This prevents the problem of files being uploaded while still in the process of being created (e.g., a WSI in the mid-point of being written from a scanner).

To set the stable threshold
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Enter the number of seconds, minutes, or hours you want to wait before uploading a file into the Stable Threshold field

  3. Select the desired time unit from the dropdown menu: second(s), minute(s), or hour(s)

  4. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

Delete After Upload

When a delete policy is set, it determines how much time must pass after a successful upload before the source file is deleted. This allows the Upload Client to automatically free up storage space on the local system as file transfers are completed. As files deleted in this way bypass the Recycle Bin, this feature is disabled by default. Use caution when applying this setting.

This setting only applies to currently active and future items. Items which have previously been uploaded or skipped and appear in the Upload History are not affected.

Files which are marked as read-only in the operating system will not be deleted, and there will be no further attempts to remove them.
To set the delete policy
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Enter the number of seconds, minutes, or hours you want to wait after a successful upload into the Delete After Upload field. A value of zero (0) disables this feature, and no files will be deleted

  3. Select the desired time unit from the dropdown menu: second(s), minute(s), or hour(s)

  4. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to enable this policy, and have your images deleted from the local computer after they have been uploaded to your Repository.

Filter Conditions

Filter conditions allow you to limit which files are processed by the Upload Client, by matching against the file extension, folder name, or a custom regular expression.

If you create an Include filter, all non-matching files are automatically excluded from processing.
To add a filter based on file extension
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Click on the Add Filter Condition button at the top right of the filter list

  3. In the Filter Condition popup dialog:

    1. Click on the File Extension tab
    2. Select the desired file type from the Extension dropdown menu
    3. Select whether to Include or Exclude the selected file type
    4. Click on the Apply button to save your changes, or click on the Cancel button to cancel
  4. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

For more information on supported file formats and their extensions, see the Supported Formats page.
To add a filter based on folder name
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Click on the Add Filter Condition button at the top right of the filter list

  3. In the Filter Condition popup dialog:

    1. Click on the Folder tab
    2. Enter the relative path to the folder in the field, or use the Folder button to open the Select a Directory dialog window and browse to the desired folder.
    3. Select whether to Include or Exclude the selected folder
    4. Click on the Apply button to save your changes, or click on the Cancel button to cancel
  4. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

To add a filter based on a regular expression
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Click on the Add Filter Condition button at the top right of the filter list

  3. In the Filter Condition popup dialog:

    1. Click on the RegEx tab
    2. Enter a regular expression in the field to match against. When it is validated, the "Invalid" notice at the bottom right of the dialog will change to "Valid Valid"
    3. Select whether to Include or Exclude the selected folder
    4. Click on the Apply button to save your changes, or click on the Cancel button to cancel
  4. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

To edit an existing filter condition
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Right-click on the item in the filter conditions list to bring up the context menu

  3. Click Edit

  4. In the Filter Condition popup dialog:

    1. Make the desired changes to the filter settings
    2. Click on the Apply button to save your changes, or click on the Cancel button to cancel
  5. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

To remove a filter condition
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Right-click on the item in the filter conditions list to bring up the context menu

  3. Click Delete

  4. Click on the Yes button to confirm

  5. Click on the Apply button in the Settings window to save your changes

To remove all filter conditions
This will remove all configured filters and cause the Upload Client to process all files in the monitored folder.
  1. Click on the Open Settings Open Settings button in the Action Bar at the top of the main window to display the Settings window

  2. Click on the Clear All button at the top right of the filter list

  3. Click on the Yes button to confirm