Upload History
The Upload Client retains the list of all files it uploaded to your PathcoreFlow Repository.
To access the Upload History window
Open the main user interface
Click on the View Upload History button at the bottom right of the window
The Upload History list includes the following columns:
- Name: the filename of the image or file
- Size: the total size on disk of the item
- Status: one of the following:
- "Uploaded": the file has been transferred to the target Repository
- "Skipped": the Upload Client did not transfer the item. Hover over the text to display a tooltip with the reason for this (e.g., "Previously uploaded" for items which already exist in the Repository)
- Completed: a phrase that describes the relative time that the upload completed or was skipped (e.g., "20 days ago" or "3 hours ago"). Hover over the text to display a tooltip with the specific date and time in the workstation's local timezone and UTC
To return to the main window, click on the Done button at the bottom right of the window.
To filter the upload history list by filename
Click on the View Upload History button at the bottom right of the main window to display the Upload History window
Click in the search box indicated by the
Type in the filter you wish to apply to the filenames. Only the items matching this text will be displayed
To open a transferred file in PathcoreFlow
(Optional) Use the search box to filter the list of items
Locate the item in the Upload History list
Click on the item name to open it in PathcoreFlow in your default web browser