User Account

Before images can be uploaded, a user account must be logged in to connect the Upload Client to PathcoreFlow.

A valid user account is necessary to connect the Upload Client to PathcoreFlow. This user account has certain requirements.
To log in to the Upload Client
  1. Open the main user interface. If you are not currently logged in, you will be presented with the login window

  2. Enter the URL of your PathcoreFlow service in the Pathcore Team URL field (e.g., or

    It is important that the URL has the correct scheme ("http" or "https") or you may not be able to log in. All Pathcore managed cloud services use HTTPS.
  3. Click on the Log In button

  4. Your default web browser will open and take you to your Pathcore service login page. You can log in using your email address and password, or via SAML SSO

    You may be prompted to allow the site to open the "pathcore-upload-client" link. Click on the Open Link button in the dialog box.
To log out from the Upload Client
  1. Open the user interface

  2. Click on the Log Out button at the top right of the window

  3. Click on the Yes button when prompted to confirm you want to pause uploads and log out

To see when your login token expires
  1. Open the user interface

  2. Hover over the Logged in as Name button at the top left of the window

Your login token will refresh automatically every day as long as the Background Service is running and there is activity (e.g., new files to upload).
To open your PathcoreFlow account profile page
  1. Open the user interface

  2. Click on the Logged in as Name button at the top left of the window

  3. Your default web browser will open your My Account page