3rd Party Integrations

What are the supported image formats?flowscholar

Pathcore supports many whole slide imaging scanning platforms and microscopes including Aperio, Zeiss, Olympus, Hamamatsu, 3D Histech, and more. For a comprehensive list of image formats that are supported refer to the list here.

What are the supported image analysis software?flow

PathcoreFlow integrates with several image analysis vendors, see 3rd party integrations for details. In addition, PathcoreFlow APIs can be used to exchange data between PathcoreFlow and Python, Matlab and many other image processing frameworks.

Is it possible to use PathcoreFlow with other image analysis software?flow

Yes. To work with software not currently supported by an integration package (e.g. QuPath), use the following steps to manually perform the task:

  1. Download the image from PathcoreFlow.
  2. Process the image in the analysis software.
  3. Upload the analysis to PathcoreFlow as a new image and/or overlay.
Is it possible to use Pathcore annotations in other image analysis software?flow

Yes. With the Visiopharm integration, annotations from PathcoreFlow can be used in Visiopharm.

Can I connect a scanner to Pathcore software?flow

Yes. We have a windows application the Pathcore Upload Client that can be used to upload images directly to a Repository from the scanner computer.